
Quality management

Lab 01
Sound development of our company largely depends on maintaining and extending relations with our customers. In order to achieve these goals, we press for increase in the quality and utility value of our products, satisfying our customers’ needs and support of ecological behaviour of the company.
Corporate strategy of Enaspol is to supply the market with products that meet requirements on quality and whose properties are stable. Compliance with technical and lead time requirements given by the commercial agreements is a matter of fact. We want to convince the customers that the quality and reliability are characters synonymous to our company brand. Quality of the products is a primary condition for satisfying our customers’ needs as well as their retaining and acquisition of new ones.
Our quality policy is based on the following principles:
  • Focus on customers – Each of our employees acts also as a customer and a supplier at the same time. Within the company there is a constant interchange of intermediate products, services and information. The quality of final product is determined by the quality of all of our employees’ work.
  • Complete engagement – Every employee is engaged in achieving the quality of his/her own work and everyone is well informed about requirements on quality of both the work and the final products.
  • Measuring – Measuring the production and product parameters provides for backward improvements. Simply put, what is not measured can hardly be improved. Measured parameters are determined according to the requirements on quality of final products.
  • Systematic support – All activities in our plant support the effort on quality.
  • Continuous improvement – The team of our company workers has to work better than yesterday, correct the defects occurred, anticipate them and increase the quality parameters of our products.
  • Ecological behaviour – Every employee is the guarantee of ecological behaviour of his/her work with the main emphasis being put on decreasing the amount of generated wastes and their ecological disposal.
Lab 02
Quality is considered as one of the main attributes of a successful company; therefore we pay appropriate attention to it. Essential principles of the quality policy stem from our long-term corporate strategy and they are formulated in the ’Production Management Guideline’ which describes the company’s control system. It is the basic document covering all activities affecting the quality of the production and the products. Its uncompromising observance assures the compliance with quality of our products given by data sheets, production standards and requirements of our customers. Methods described in this manual are binding for all our departments engaged in the purchase, marketing, production, sales, technical development and production quality.
The responsibility for quality observance lies within the ‘Department for Quality Control and Management’ with its Chief Quality Control Manager. In accordance with the ’Production Management Guideline’ the chief is responsible for:
  • raw materials’ input control
  • intermediates’ interoperational control
  • final products’ output control
  • issuing certificates of analysis
Materials, raw materials, intermediate products and final products are analysed in accordance with analytical standards, technical conditions and test methods issued by the quality control department. Test and analytical procedures ensure that all given controls and tests will be performed duly and that all data will correspond to the given requirements. To achieve these objectives the laboratories of the quality control department are equipped with appropriate equipment – gas chromatograph, ion chromatograph, automatic titration apparatuses, Karl Fischer titrator, speed-drying scales, spectrophotometers and other laboratory equipment.
Lab 03
During the year 2004 Enaspol a. s. had its production management system assessed according to the government regulation No. 190/2002 Coll. and consistently with the 89/106/EEC Directive (Directive on Construction Products, CPD/CPR). As a result, the company was issued several certificates by appropriate authorities:
Certificate of Production Management System no. 1020 – CPD – 060019518 concerning plasticizing additives for concrete
Certificate of Production Management System no. 1020/89/106/EHS/060-019546 concerning superplasticizing additives for concrete
Certificate of Production Management System no. 1020 – CPD – 060025767 concerning additives accelerating the concrete setting
The authorized body ‘Technický a zkušební ústav stavební Praha, s. p.’, supervises over our certified production management system and elaborates a report on supervision every year. This entitles Enaspol a. s. to manufacture plasticizing, superplasticizing additives and additives accelerating the concrete setting in accordance with the ČSN EN 934 – 2 standards and to use the CE quality mark.
Enaspol a.s.
Velvěty 79
Rtyně nad Bílinou
415 01
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+420 417 813 111
+49 1520 3455096
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+420 417 532 560